Team Member
If you are looking to move ahead in the I.T. industry or to just simply advance in your career at a company that is well established, friendly, future minded then you have picked the right choice in Paracomp Ltd.
Whether you are a small school, medium business, government authority or global corporate, Paracomp Ltd have the expertise and backing of the world’s leading manufacturers to help with whatever your needs or requirements are.
Care Centres, Hospitals, Trusts, Surgeries, Medical Facility’s
Small Office, Medium Office, Global market
Infant, Primary, Secondary, Academy, College, University
Local & Area Council, Central UK & Global Government
There are so many industries, which change constantly with technology requirements and suitability factors, not to mention legal requirements that we can manage all under one roof for you. No matter what your background, or where you want to go in the future..... partner with someone who can help you take care of it.
With over 20 years experience and a large portfolio of customers from Education, NHS, Local Government, medium to large Corporate as well as many good relationships with the world’s largest vendors, we do believe we have the right knowledge and expertise to shine amongst the best I.T. providers. We can help from planning, designing, advising, solution building, shipping, installing to handing you the complete solution that you can be confident & happy with.
With over 20 years experience and a large portfolio of customers from Education, NHS, Local Government, Banking, medium to large Corporate as well as many good relationships with the world’s largest vendors, we do believe we have the right knowledge and expertise to shine amongst the best IT providers.
With our vast experience at Paracomp as well as our partners and vendors, we have the technical knowledge and advice so that your IT requirements get to you when you want, at a price and solution that best fits your industry and request – helping you to concentrate on what you do best.
We also understand how Government and Public Sectors work and not all people have the technical knowledge or latest market information and this is where Paracomp Ltd can help all the way in over achieving your expectations. We can help from planning, designing, advising, solution building, shipping, installing to handing you the complete solution that you can be confident & happy with.
successful people make a strong place of work
With constant growth & success the need for expansion is necessary – if you are committed with the same values and vision we have – we would love to have you as part of our growing team.
If you are looking to move ahead in the I.T. industry or to just simply advance in your career at a company that is well established, friendly, future minded then you have picked the right choice in Paracomp Ltd.
At Paracomp we have a keen interest in employing and recruiting the best individuals who are hard working, hungry, and have the necessary skills in developing lasting relationships within the IT industry.
In return we offer a good environment to work in, with a knowledgeable and helpful team which will make you feel right at home.
If that sounds like somewhere you would like to work and want a lasting career rather than just a job, then please do get in contact with us for more details.
We have lots of good relationships within the I.T industry, below are some of the partners we work closely with.
To subscribe to our newsletter and any Special offers we have, please supply your email address
For any questions or enquiries please contact us and we will be more than happy to help.
Address: Paracomp LTD,
2nd Floor, Nucleus House,
2 Lower Mortlake Road,
Richmond, London,
TW9 2JA.
0208 396 7224
Phone: 01753 378172 - 01628 854231 Education, NHS \ Government, Corporate
Company Reg: 09233048 VAT number : 203 4114 70 - -